QGIS.jl provides a Julia interface to the QGIS geospatial processing library via QGIS' command line utilities. QGIS.jl is unafliliated with the QGIS project.

Julia Geospatial Ecosystem

Note that since QGIS.jl works directly with file names, you will likely need other packages to read and write geospatial files, such as:


To install QGIS.jl, run:

using Pkg

Troubleshooting the Installation

You'll need to have QGIS installed on your system. See QGIS Downloads for more information.

QGIS.jl will attempt to find the qgis_process executable on your system. If it cannot find it, you'll need to either:

  1. Set the ENV["QGIS_PROCESS_PATH"] = "/path/to/qgis_process" environment variable in Julia.
  2. Set the QGIS.qgis_process = "path/to/qgis_process" in Julia.

If QGIS.jl is unable to find your qgis_process, please consider opening an issue in the QGIS.jl GitHub repo with the details of where the executable is located on your system. This helps maintainers make installation as robust as possible.

Loading QGIS

To load the QGIS package, run

using QGIS