
This tutorial will guide you through the process of finding and running a QGIS algorithm on geospatial data in Julia. What we'll do:

  1. Read in some GeoJSON data using GeoJSON.
  2. Find an algorithm for adding a buffer around the boundaries of the data.
  3. Run the algorithm on the data.
  4. Visualize the results.

Step 1: Load Required Packages

First, we need to load some Packages
  1. GeoJSON: for reading in GeoJSON data.
  2. QGIS: for finding and running algorithms.
  3. Plots: for visualizing the data.
  4. GeoInterfaceRecipes: for providing plot recipes for the GeoJSON data.
julia> using GeoJSON, QGIS, Plots, GeoInterfaceRecipes

Step 2: Read in GeoJSON data


The test/ directory of QGIS contains a GeoJSON file named nc.geojson (the state boundaries of North Carolina).

julia> path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(QGIS)), "..", "test", "nc.geojson");
julia> nc = GeoJSON.read(path)Feature with 2D MultiPolygon geometry and 12 properties: (:geometry, :statehood, :group, :city, :landarea, :houseseats, :population, :waterarea, :capital, :name, :abbreviation, :area)
julia> plot(nc.geometry; aspect_ratio=:equal, linewidth=0);GKS: cannot open display - headless operation mode active

Step 3: Find a Buffer Algorithm

Algorithm Metadata

QGIS has an (unexported) df::DataFrame that holds all the metadata on the QGIS algorithms.

julia> QGIS.df261×11 DataFrame
 Row │ provider  algorithm                         can_cancel  deprecated  gro ⋯
     │ Symbol    Symbol                            Bool        Bool        Str ⋯
   1 │ 3d        3d:tessellate                           true       false  Vec ⋯
   2 │ native    native:addautoincrementalfield          true       false  Vec
   3 │ native    native:addfieldtoattributestable        true       false  Vec
   4 │ native    native:adduniquevalueindexfield         true       false  Vec
   5 │ native    native:addxyfields                      true       false  Vec ⋯
   6 │ native    native:affinetransform                  true       false  Vec
   7 │ native    native:aggregate                        true       false  Vec
   8 │ native    native:alignrasters                     true        true  Ras
  ⋮  │    ⋮                     ⋮                      ⋮           ⋮           ⋱
 255 │ native    native:voronoipolygons                  true       false  Vec ⋯
 256 │ native    native:wedgebuffers                     true       false  Vec
 257 │ native    native:writevectortiles_mbtiles         true       false  Vec
 258 │ native    native:writevectortiles_xyz             true       false  Vec
 259 │ native    native:zonalhistogram                   true       false  Ras ⋯
 260 │ native    native:zonalstatistics                  true        true  Ras
 261 │ native    native:zonalstatisticsfb                true       false  Ras
                                                  7 columns and 246 rows omitted
Search for Buffer Algorithms
  • We can search for algorithms that contain the word "buffer" in their name.
julia> filter(x -> occursin("buffer", string(x.algorithm)), QGIS.df)6×11 DataFrame
 Row │ provider  algorithm                       can_cancel  deprecated  group ⋯
     │ Symbol    Symbol                          Bool        Bool        Strin ⋯
   1 │ native    native:buffer                         true       false  Vecto ⋯
   2 │ native    native:bufferbym                      true       false  Vecto
   3 │ native    native:multiringconstantbuffer        true       false  Vecto
   4 │ native    native:singlesidedbuffer              true       false  Vecto
   5 │ native    native:taperedbuffer                  true       false  Vecto ⋯
   6 │ native    native:wedgebuffers                   true       false  Vecto
                                                               7 columns omitted

Step 4: Run the Buffer Algorithm

  • The QGIS.Algorithm holds the help, metadata, and parameters for a QGIS algorithm.
  • The constructor takes the algorithm name and parameters as keyword arguments.
  • Parameters and their assigned values are displayed in the Base.show method.
julia> alg = QGIS.Algorithm("native:buffer", DISTANCE=0.1)QGIS.Algorithm - native:buffer
  • SEGMENTS = 5
  • DISSOLVE = false
  • INPUT = nothing
  • OUTPUT = nothing
  • JOIN_STYLE = 0
  • DISTANCE = 0.1
Running Algorithms
  • QGIS.Algorithms are callable and accepts optional input/output arguments to override the INPUT and OUTPUT parameters. Note that these arguments refer to file paths.
julia> output = alg(GeoJSON.write(tempname() * ".geojson", nc))"/tmp/jl_tgTIPSzCTs.geojson"
julia> nc_buffered = GeoJSON.read(output)FeatureCollection with 1 Features
julia> plot(nc_buffered.geometry; aspect_ratio=:equal, linewidth=0, color=2);

Step 5: Visualize the Results

julia> plot(nc_buffered.geometry; aspect_ratio=:equal, linewidth=0, label="Buffered", color=2);
julia> plot!(nc.geometry; aspect_ratio=:equal, linewidth=0, label="Original", color=1);