Measurement noise and corruption

Measurement noise is practically always present in signals originating from real-world sensors. In a sampled-data system, analyzing the influence of measurement noise using simulation is relatively straight forward. Below, we add Gaussian white noise to the speed sensor signal in the DC-motor example from DC Motor with PI-controller. The noise is added using the NormalNoise block.

This block has two modes of operation

  1. If additive = false (default), the block has the connector output only, and this output is the noise signal.
  2. If additive = true, the block has the connectors input and output, and the output is the sum of the input and the noise signal, i.e., the noise is added to the input signal. This mode makes it convenient to add noise to a signal in a sampled-data system.

Example: Noise

This example is a continuation of the DC-motor example from DC Motor with PI-controller. We add Gaussian white noise with $σ^2 = 0.1^2$ to the speed sensor signal.

using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Electrical
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Mechanical.Rotational
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using ModelingToolkitSampledData
using JuliaSimCompiler
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots

R = 0.5 # [Ohm] armature resistance
L = 4.5e-3 # [H] armature inductance
k = 0.5 # [N.m/A] motor constant
J = 0.02 # [kg.m²] inertia
f = 0.01 # [N.m.s/rad] friction factor
tau_L_step = -0.3 # [N.m] amplitude of the load torque step

z = ShiftIndex()

@mtkmodel NoisyClosedLoop begin
    @components begin
        ground = Ground()
        source = Voltage()
        ref = Blocks.Step(height = 1, start_time = 0, smooth = false)
        sampler = Sampler(dt = 0.002)
        noise = NormalNoise(sigma = 0.1, additive = true)
        pi_controller = DiscretePIDStandard(
            K = 1, Ti = 0.035, u_max = 10, with_D = false)
        zoh = ZeroOrderHold()
        R1 = Resistor(R = R)
        L1 = Inductor(L = L)
        emf = EMF(k = k)
        fixed = Fixed()
        load = Torque()
        load_step = Blocks.Step(height = tau_L_step, start_time = 1.3)
        inertia = Inertia(J = J)
        friction = Damper(d = f)
        speed_sensor = SpeedSensor()
        angle_sensor = AngleSensor()

    @equations begin
        connect(fixed.flange,, friction.flange_b)
        connect(emf.flange, friction.flange_a, inertia.flange_a)
        connect(inertia.flange_b, load.flange)
        connect(inertia.flange_b, speed_sensor.flange, angle_sensor.flange)
        connect(load_step.output, load.tau)
        connect(ref.output, pi_controller.reference)
        connect(speed_sensor.w, sampler.input)
        connect(sampler.output, noise.input)
        connect(noise.output, pi_controller.measurement)
        connect(pi_controller.ctr_output, zoh.input)
        connect(zoh.output, source.V)
        connect(source.p, R1.p)
        connect(R1.n, L1.p)
        connect(L1.n, emf.p)
        connect(emf.n, source.n, ground.g)

@named noisy_model = NoisyClosedLoop()
noisy_model = complete(noisy_model)
ssys = structural_simplify(IRSystem(noisy_model)) # Conversion to an IRSystem from JuliaSimCompiler is required for sampled-data systems

noise_prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [unknowns(noisy_model) .=> 0.0; noisy_model.pi_controller.I(z-1) => 0; noisy_model.pi_controller.eI(z-1) => 0; noisy_model.noise.y(z-1) => 0], (0, 2.0))
noise_sol = solve(noise_prob, Tsit5())

figy = plot(noise_sol, idxs=noisy_model.noise.y, label = "Measured speed", )
plot!(noise_sol, idxs=noisy_model.inertia.w, ylabel = "Angular Vel. [rad/s]",
    label = "Actual speed", legend=:bottomleft, dpi=600, l=(2, :blue))
figu = plot(noise_sol, idxs=noisy_model.source.V.u, label = "Control signal [V]", )
plot(figy, figu, plot_title = "DC Motor with Discrete-time Speed Controller")
Example block output

Noise filtering

You may, e.g.

  • Use ExponentialFilter to add exponential filtering using y(k) ~ (1-a)y(k-1) + a*u(k), where a is the filter coefficient and u is the signal to be filtered.

No discrete-time filter components are available yet. You may, e.g.

  • Use MovingAverageFilter to add moving average filtering according to y(k) ~ 1/N * sum(u(k-i) for i=0:N-1), where N is the number of samples to average over.

Colored noise

Colored noise can be achieved by filtering white noise through a filter with the desired spectrum. No components are available for this yet.

Internal details

Internally, a random number generator from StableRNGs.jl is used to produce reproducible streams of random numbers. Each draw of a random number is seeded by hash(t, hash(seed)), where seed is a parameter in the noise source component, and t is the current simulation time. This ensures that

  1. The user can alter the stream of random numbers with seed.
  2. Multiple calls to the random number generator at the same time step all return the same number.


A signal may be quantized to a fixed number of levels (e.g., 8-bit) using the Quantization block. This may be used to simulate, e.g., the quantization that occurs in a AD converter. Below, we have a simple example where a sine wave is quantized to 2 bits (4 levels), limited between -1 and 1:

using ModelingToolkit, ModelingToolkitSampledData, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using JuliaSimCompiler
z = ShiftIndex(Clock(0.1))
@mtkmodel QuantizationModel begin
    @components begin
        input = Sine(amplitude=1.5, frequency=1)
        quant = Quantization(; z, bits=2, y_min = -1, y_max = 1)
    @variables begin
        x(t) = 0 # Dummy variable to work around a bug for models without continuous-time state
    @equations begin
        connect(input.output, quant.input)
        D(x) ~ 0 # Dummy equation
        # D(x) ~ Hold(quant.y) # Dummy equation
@named m = QuantizationModel()
m = complete(m)
ssys = structural_simplify(IRSystem(m))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0.0, 2.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol, idxs=m.input.output.u)
plot!(sol, idxs=m.quant.y, label="Quantized output")
Example block output

Different quantization modes

With the default option midrise = true, the output of the quantizer is always between y_min and y_max inclusive, and the number of distinct levels it can take is 2^bits. The possible values are given by

bits = 2; y_min = -1; y_max = 1
collect(range(y_min, stop=y_max, length=2^bits))
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Notably, these possible levels do not include 0. If midrise = false, a mid-tread quantizer is used instead. The two options are visualized below:

y_min = -1; y_max = 1; bits = 2
u = y_min:0.01:y_max
y_mr = ModelingToolkitSampledData.quantize_midrise.(u, bits, y_min, y_max)
y_mt = ModelingToolkitSampledData.quantize_midtread.(u, bits, y_min, y_max)
plot(u, [y_mr y_mt], label=["Midrise" "Midtread"], xlabel="Input", ylabel="Output", framestyle=:zerolines, l=2, seriestype=:step)
Example block output

Note how the default mid-rise quantizer mode has a rise at the middle of the interval, while the mid-tread mode has a flat region (a tread) centered around the middle of the interval.

The default option midrise = true includes both end points as possible output values, while midrise = false does not include the upper limit.

Sampling with AD effects

The block SampleWithADEffects combines an ideal Sampler, a `NormalNoise and a Quantization block to simulate the undesirable but practically occurring effects of sampling, noise and quantization in an AD converter. The block has the connectors input and output, where the input is the continuous-time signal to be sampled, and the output is the quantized, noisy signal. Example:

@mtkmodel PracticalSamplerModel begin
    @components begin
        input = Sine(amplitude=1.2, frequency=1, smooth=false)
        sampling = SampleWithADEffects(; dt=0.03, bits=3, y_min = -1, y_max = 1, sigma = 0.1, noisy = true, quantized=true, midrise=true)
    @variables begin
        x(t) = 0 # Dummy variable to work around a bug for models without continuous-time state
    @equations begin
        connect(input.output, sampling.input)
        D(x) ~ Hold(sampling.y) # Dummy equation
@named m = PracticalSamplerModel()
m = complete(m)
ssys = structural_simplify(IRSystem(m))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [m.sampling.noise.y(z-1) => 0], (0.0, 2.0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol, idxs=m.input.output.u)
plot!(sol, idxs=m.sampling.y, label="AD converted output")
Example block output

Both quantization and noise addition are optional and turned off by default. In the example above, we turn them on with keywords noisy = true and quantized = true. The noise is Gaussian white noise with standard deviation sigma, and the quantization is a 3-bit midrise quantizer (8 output levels) with limits y_min and y_max. Limits have to be provided when quantization is used. The dt parameter is the sampling time, if left unspecified, it will be inferred from context.

Things to notice in the plot:

  • The sampled signal is saturated at the quantization limits ±1.
  • The noise is added to the signal before quantization, which means that the sampled signal has $2^\text{bits}$ distinct output levels only.
  • 0 is not a possible output value. In situations where 0 is an important value (such as in the presence of integration of a quantized value that is expected to be close to 0), the mid-tread quantizer should be used instead by passing midrise = false.