Clocks and Sampled-Data Systems

A sampled-data system contains both continuous-time and discrete-time components, such as a continuous-time plant model and a discrete-time control system. ModelingToolkit supports the modeling and simulation of sampled-data systems by means of clocks.


The sampled-data interface in ModelingToolkit is currently experimental and at any time subject to breaking changes not respecting semantic versioning.

Negative shifts

The initial release of the sampled-data interface only supports negative shifts.

Clocks, operators and difference equations

A clock can be seen as an event source, i.e., when the clock ticks, an event is generated. In response to the event the discrete-time logic is executed, for example, a control signal is computed. For basic modeling of sampled-data systems, the user does not have to interact with clocks explicitly, instead, the modeling is performed using the operators

When a continuous-time variable x is sampled using xd = Sample(x, dt), the result is a discrete-time variable xd that is defined and updated whenever the clock ticks. xd is only defined when the clock ticks, which it does with an interval of dt. If dt is unspecified, the tick rate of the clock associated with xd is inferred from the context in which xd appears. Any variable taking part in the same equation as xd is inferred to belong to the same discrete partition as xd, i.e., belonging to the same clock. A system may contain multiple different discrete-time partitions, each with a unique clock. This allows for modeling of multi-rate systems and discrete-time processes located on different computers etc.

To make a discrete-time variable available to the continuous partition, the Hold operator is used. xc = Hold(xd) creates a continuous-time variable xc that is updated whenever the clock associated with xd ticks, and holds its value constant between ticks.

The operators Sample and Hold are thus providing the interface between continuous and discrete partitions.

The ShiftIndex operator is used to refer to past and future values of discrete-time variables. The example below illustrates its use, implementing the discrete-time system

\[x(k+1) = 0.5x(k) + u(k) y(k) = x(k)\]

using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t
@variables x(t) y(t) u(t)
dt = 0.1                # Sample interval
clock = Clock(dt)    # A periodic clock with tick rate dt
k = ShiftIndex(clock)

eqs = [
    x(k) ~ 0.5x(k - 1) + u(k - 1),
    y ~ x

\[ \begin{align} x\left( t \right) &= 0.5 \mathrm{Shift(t, -1)}\left( x\left( t \right) \right) + \mathrm{Shift(t, -1)}\left( u\left( t \right) \right) \\ y\left( t \right) &= x\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

A few things to note in this basic example:

  • The equation x(k+1) = 0.5x(k) + u(k) has been rewritten in terms of negative shifts since positive shifts are not yet supported.
  • x and u are automatically inferred to be discrete-time variables, since they appear in an equation with a discrete-time ShiftIndex k.
  • y is also automatically inferred to be a discrete-time-time variable, since it appears in an equation with another discrete-time variable x. x,u,y all belong to the same discrete-time partition, i.e., they are all updated at the same instantaneous point in time at which the clock ticks.
  • The equation y ~ x does not use any shift index, this is equivalent to y(k) ~ x(k), i.e., discrete-time variables without shift index are assumed to refer to the variable at the current time step.
  • The equation x(k) ~ 0.5x(k-1) + u(k-1) indicates how x is updated, i.e., what the value of x will be at the current time step in terms of the past value. The output y, is given by the value of x at the current time step, i.e., y(k) ~ x(k). If this logic was implemented in an imperative programming style, the logic would thus be
function discrete_step(x, u)
    x = 0.5x + u # x is updated to a new value, i.e., x(k) is computed
    y = x # y is assigned the current value of x, y(k) = x(k)
    return x, y # The state x now refers to x at the current time step, x(k), and y equals x, y(k) = x(k)

An alternative and equivalent way of writing the same system is

eqs = [
    x(k + 1) ~ 0.5x(k) + u(k),
    y(k) ~ x(k)

\[ \begin{align} \mathrm{Shift(t, 1)}\left( x\left( t \right) \right) &= u\left( t \right) + 0.5 x\left( t \right) \\ y\left( t \right) &= x\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

but the use of positive time shifts is not yet supported. Instead, we shifted all indices by -1 above, resulting in exactly the same difference equations. However, the next system is not equivalent to the previous one:

eqs = [
    x(k) ~ 0.5x(k - 1) + u(k),
    y ~ x

\[ \begin{align} x\left( t \right) &= u\left( t \right) + 0.5 \mathrm{Shift(t, -1)}\left( x\left( t \right) \right) \\ y\left( t \right) &= x\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

In this last example, u(k) refers to the input at the new time point k., this system is equivalent to

eqs = [
    x(k+1) ~ 0.5x(k) + u(k+1),
    y(k) ~ x(k)

Higher-order shifts

The expression x(k-1) refers to the value of x at the previous clock tick. Similarly, x(k-2) refers to the value of x at the clock tick before that. In general, x(k-n) refers to the value of x at the nth clock tick before the current one. As an example, the Z-domain transfer function

\[H(z) = \dfrac{b_2 z^2 + b_1 z + b_0}{a_2 z^2 + a_1 z + a_0}\]

may thus be modeled as

@variables t y(t) [description = "Output"] u(t) [description = "Input"]
k = ShiftIndex(Clock(dt))
eqs = [
    a2 * y(k) + a1 * y(k - 1) + a0 * y(k - 2) ~ b2 * u(k) + b1 * u(k - 1) + b0 * u(k - 2)

Initial conditions

The initial condition of discrete-time variables is defined using the ShiftIndex operator, for example

ODEProblem(model, [x(k-1) => 1.0], (0.0, 10.0))

Note how the initial condition for discrete-time variables refer to the past, and not to the value at $t=0$ (at tspan[1] to be precise). The reason is that in order to perform the discrete-time state update $x(k) = f(x(k-1), t_0)$, at the initial time $t_0$, we need $x(k-1)$ and not $x(k)$.

If higher-order shifts are present, the corresponding initial conditions must be specified, e.g., the presence of the equation

x(k) = x(k - 1) + x(k - 2)

requires specification of the initial condition for both x(k-1) and x(k-2).

Multiple clocks

Multi-rate systems are easy to model using multiple different clocks. The following set of equations is valid, and defines two different discrete-time partitions, each with its own clock:

yd1 ~ Sample(dt1)(y)
ud1 ~ kp * (Sample(dt1)(r) - yd1)
yd2 ~ Sample(dt2)(y)
ud2 ~ kp * (Sample(dt2)(r) - yd2)

yd1 and ud1 belong to the same clock which ticks with an interval of dt1, while yd2 and ud2 belong to a different clock which ticks with an interval of dt2. The two clocks are not synchronized, i.e., they are not guaranteed to tick at the same point in time, even if one tick interval is a rational multiple of the other. Mechanisms for synchronization of clocks are not yet implemented.

Accessing discrete-time variables in the solution

Discrete-time variables can be accessed with the syntax


Implementing generic discrete-time components

Discrete-time components can be implemented without specification of the clock or sample interval. To do this, the operator SampleTime() is used, it returns the sample-time interval of the associated clock. See the library of components for usage example, or this simplified example component:

@mtkmodel DiscreteDerivative begin
    @extend u, y = siso = SISO()
    @parameters begin
        k = 1, [description = "Gain"]
    @structural_parameters begin
        Ts = SampleTime()
        z = ShiftIndex()
    @equations begin
        y(z) ~ k * (u(z) - u(z - 1)) / Ts # Ts will get the value of the associated clock, determined by clock inference.

In this component, we use two structural parameters, one for the sample time and one for the shift index. By letting the sample time be a structural parameter with a default given by SampleTime(), the default behavior is to inherit the sample time based on the connection context (clock partition) of the component. The sample time can still be manually set in case there is no other point at which to infer the sample time, or if the user for some other reason want to override the sample time. The shift index is also a structural parameter with a default. This default leaves the clock unspecified, indicating that the clock should be inherited based on the connection context (clock partition). If the user provides a shift index with a clock specified, other components may inherit their clock from this component. The operator SampleTime() will in all cases return the sample time of the associated clock, no matter if this clock is explicitly specified by the user or inherited from the connection context.

In order to make components maximally generic, it is often advisable to avoid including operators like Sample and Hold at the inputs and outputs of a component, and instead let the user manually insert these operators where required. Larger components that model complete sampled-data systems may of course contain such operators internally.

Linearization of sampled-data systems

Linearization of discrete-time and sampled-data systems using the tools described at Linearization of ModelingToolkit models is not supported at the moment. 😦

Linearization through frequency-response analysis (FRA) is provided in JuliaSimControl. FRA amounts to simulating a system with wide-spectrum inputs and computing the linear small-signal transfer function using techniques from the field of system-identification.

A complete example

Below, we model a simple continuous first-order system called plant that is controlled using a discrete-time controller controller. The reference signal is filtered using a discrete-time filter filt before being fed to the controller.

using ModelingToolkit, Plots, OrdinaryDiffEq
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t
using ModelingToolkit: D_nounits as D
dt = 0.5 # Sample interval
@variables r(t)
clock = Clock(dt)
k = ShiftIndex(clock)

function plant(; name)
    @variables x(t)=1 u(t)=0 y(t)=0
    D = Differential(t)
    eqs = [D(x) ~ -x + u
           y ~ x]
    ODESystem(eqs, t; name = name)

function filt(; name) # Reference filter
    @variables x(t)=0 u(t)=0 y(t)=0
    a = 1 / exp(dt)
    eqs = [x(k) ~ a * x(k - 1) + (1 - a) * u(k)
           y ~ x]
    ODESystem(eqs, t, name = name)

function controller(kp; name)
    @variables y(t)=0 r(t)=0 ud(t)=0 yd(t)=0
    @parameters kp = kp
    eqs = [yd ~ Sample(y)
           ud ~ kp * (r - yd)]
    ODESystem(eqs, t; name = name)

@named f = filt()
@named c = controller(1)
@named p = plant()

connections = [r ~ (t >= 5)        # reference signal
               f.u ~ r             # reference to filter input
               f.y ~ c.r           # filtered reference to controller reference
               Hold(c.ud) ~ p.u    # controller output to plant input (zero-order-hold)
               p.y ~ c.y]          # plant output to controller feedback

@named cl = ODESystem(connections, t, systems = [f, c, p])
cl = complete(cl)

\[ \begin{align} r\left( t \right) &= t \geq 5 \\ f_{+}u\left( t \right) &= r\left( t \right) \\ f_{+}y\left( t \right) &= c_{+}r\left( t \right) \\ \mathrm{Hold()}\left( c_{+}ud\left( t \right) \right) &= p_{+}u\left( t \right) \\ p_{+}y\left( t \right) &= c_{+}y\left( t \right) \\ f_{+}x\left( t \right) &= 0.39347 f_{+}u\left( t \right) + 0.60653 \mathrm{Shift(t, -1)}\left( f_{+}x\left( t \right) \right) \\ f_{+}y\left( t \right) &= f_{+}x\left( t \right) \\ c_{+}yd\left( t \right) &= \mathrm{Sample(InferredTimeDomain::InferredDiscrete)}\left( c_{+}y\left( t \right) \right) \\ c_{+}ud\left( t \right) &= c_{+}kp \left( - c_{+}yd\left( t \right) + c_{+}r\left( t \right) \right) \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} p_{+}x\left( t \right)}{\mathrm{d}t} &= p_{+}u\left( t \right) - p_{+}x\left( t \right) \\ p_{+}y\left( t \right) &= p_{+}x\left( t \right) \end{align} \]

We can now simulate the system. JuliaSimCompiler is required to simulate hybrid continuous/discrete systems, we thus convert the system to an JuliaSimCompiler.IRSystem before calling structural_simplify

using JuliaSimCompiler, Plots
ssys = structural_simplify(IRSystem(cl))

prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [
    cl.f.x(k-1) => 0,
], (0,15))

sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol, idxs=[cl.p.x, cl.c.ud], layout=(2,1))
Example block output

Note how the initial condition provided above refers to the value of f.x at a past time point. If we had not provided this initial condition, we would have gotten an error like this

    ODEProblem(ssys, [], (0,15))
catch err
    return err
ErrorException("The initial condition for parameter shift(f₊x, -1, false, 0.5) isn't provided.")

The error message indicates that the -1 shift for f.x is not provided. The number 0.5 appearing in the error message is the period of the clock associated the variable for which an initial condition is missing f.x.

Further reading