Sliding-mode control
This example demonstrates how to model a system with a discrete-time sliding-mode controller using ModelingToolkit. The system consists of a second-order plant with a disturbance and a super-twisting sliding-mode controller. The controller is implemented as a discrete-time system, and the plant is modeled as a continuous-time system.
When designing an SMC controller, we must choose a switching function $σ$ that produces the sliding variable $s = σ(x, p, t)$. The sliding surface $s=0$ must be chosen such that the sliding variable $s$ exhibits desireable properties, i.e., converges to the desired state with stable dynamics. The control law is chosen to drive the system from any state $x : s ≠ 0$ to the sliding surface $s=0$. The sliding surface is commonly chosen as an asymptotically stable system with order equal to the $n_x-n_u$, where $n_x$ is the dimension of the state in the system to be controlled, and $n_u$ is the number of inputs.
Since the dynamics in this example is of relative degree $r=2$, we will choose a switching surface corresponding to a stable first-order system ($r-1=1$). We will choose the system
\[ė = -e\]
which yields the switching variable $s = ė + e$, encoded in the function $s = σ(x, t)$
using ModelingToolkit, ModelingToolkitSampledData, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
using ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Blocks
using JuliaSimCompiler
dt = 0.01
clock = Clock(dt)
z = ShiftIndex(clock)
qr(t) = 1sin(2t) # reference position
qdr(t) = 2cos(2t) # reference velocity
function σ(x, t)
q, qd = x
e = q - qr(t)
ė = qd - qdr(t)
ė + e
@register_symbolic σ(x, t::Real)
@mtkmodel SuperTwistingSMC begin
@structural_parameters begin
z = ShiftIndex()
Ts = SampleTime()
@components begin
input = RealInput(; nin)
output = RealOutput()
@parameters begin
k = 1, [description = "Control gain"]
k2 = 1.1, [description = "Tuning parameter, often set to 1.1"]
@variables begin
s(t) = 0.0, [description = "Sliding surface"]
p(t) = 0.0
y(t) = 0.0, [description = "Control signal output"]
x(t) = 0.0
xd(t) = 0.0
@equations begin
s(z) ~ σ(input.u, t)
p ~ -√(k*abs(s))*sign(s)
xd ~ -k2*k*sign(s)
x(z) ~ x(z-1) + Ts*xd # Fwd Euler integration
y ~ p + x
output.u ~ y
@mtkmodel ClosedLoopModel begin
@components begin
plant = SecondOrder(;)
zoh = ZeroOrderHold()
controller = SuperTwistingSMC(nin = 2, k=50)
@variables begin
disturbance(t) = 0.0
@equations begin
controller.input.u ~ [Sample(dt)(plant.x), Sample(dt)(plant.xd)]
disturbance ~ 2 + 2sin(3t) + sin(5t)
connect(controller.output, zoh.input)
zoh.output.u + disturbance ~ plant.input.u
@named m = ClosedLoopModel()
m = complete(m)
ssys = structural_simplify(IRSystem(m))
prob = ODEProblem(ssys, [m.plant.x => -1, m.plant.xd => 0, m.controller.x(z-1) => 0], (0.0, 2π))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), dtmax=0.01)
figy = plot(sol, idxs=[m.plant.x])
plot!(sol.t, qr.(sol.t), label="Reference")
figu = plot(sol, idxs=[m.zoh.y, m.disturbance], label=["Control signal" "Disturbance"])
plot(figy, figu, layout=(2,1))
The simulation indicates that the controller is able to track the reference signal despite the presence of the disturbance. The control signal exhibits a small degree of high-frequency chattering, a common characteristic of sliding-mode controllers.